My new full time job

I love building things, however it's a lot more fun when doing it with a team.

That's why I've joined the Ghost team on Monday (Nov 9th)!

The reasons this team is the best fit for me is because:

  1. They are remote first although with a lot of folks in Europe. It makes it easy to have synchronous meetings from time to time.
  2. They are working on an open-source publishing platform that helps folks grow and monetize their audience. I believe that the creator economy is going to be big and allow more folks to do what they love 👩‍🎨
  3. They are a "profitable non-profit" foundation so they are only hiring when they have the extra money coming in from customers 🧘‍♂️
  4. They have the goal of slowly growing the team until 50 folks. So that you can know everyone in the team 🤗

This blog is already powered by Ghost (using Ghost as a headless CMS in combination with Next.js Incremental Static Generation) and I can already feel that I'll be sharing more about my journey!

Thanks to the recruiters who reached out with relevant opportunities over the last weeks and most of all thanks to the Ghost team who has been very welcoming 🙏